Monday, March 10, 2025

Flower Basket Sampler Sew Along - The Big Finish!!



Welcome Quilty friends!!

Today is the day for the 
 in our 

We are making the 
which finishes at
 87" x 87"
It consists of 12 pieced pinwheel blocks
and a pieced border which surrounds
the pieced basket blocks with
 appliquéd trim and flowers on each!
(Basically this is mainly 
a pieced quilt with some applique)

To make the appliquéd flowers, 
leaves and basket trim
 we are using my 
Sew Simple Shapes called of course...
Flower Basket Sampler!

The collection that we are using 
for the quilt is...

Piece and Plenty was designed by me... 
and produced and distributed 
to quilt shops everywhere 
by the amazing 

If you would like to know everything about
to view the entire storyboard...
to see all of the fabrics close up
 and to view the notions and ALL of 
the patterns that coordinate with it:)

So let's chat about the
 Quilt Fabric Kit.

Several shops are stocking the kit...
both brick and mortar shops
 as well as online quilt shops.

The fabric and notions as well
 have already shipped
to quilt shops everywhere 
and will continue to ship as 
each new item arrives at the warehouse!

So of course if you have not 
already pre-ordered 
your fabric kit and need one...
it is not too late at all!

 If you still need to download 
the free sew along guide
click on the following link:

And if you still need all of 
the info about this sew along
please click on the following link to
 read last weeks blog post called

The tutorial for Basket Block One
 is on my Youtube channel.
to watch the tutorial

 I also have already done the tutorial
 on piecing the baskets in preparation
 for the appliqués...
if you missed it:)

During week two 
we did blocks Two thru Five.
for that tutorial

During week three we added the  
Basket Blocks
Six - Seven - Eight - Nine!
for the tutorials.

During week four we did the last
four of all 13 basket blocks:)
for that tutorial:)

All of the cutting and info
 about each of these blocks
 is of course in the sew along guide 
for your convenience:)

During week Five we made the we
Piece and Plenty Pinwheel Blocks!

for that tutorial:)

So now all of my blocks are finished
 and my quilt goes to the quilter today:)

As soon as I get it back
 (in a week or so) 
I'll add a plethora of
 close up photos to this post!

Today I thought that I would 
talk about the border blocks.
Here I have all of the fabrics
 cut to piece the blocks...

And have my border fabric, 
binding fabric and 
Raindrop Vintage Trim 
ready for cutting!!

I sewed the half square triangles first...
we only need four of them 
and so I cut four squares of background
 and four squares of the print for 
easy peasy quick half square triangles.

First I grabbed the Marking Rulers
 and a mechanical pencil and marked the
 back of each of the four backgrounds 
(and a few for the rectangles too)
 just in case you will mark for yours...

Or use the lines on your 
Seams Sew Easy Guide like I usually do...
it's your preference!
I paired them up with the print
 and sewed directly onto the line
and then trimmed off excess leaving 
an approximate 1/4" seam allowance.

Easy Peasy!

I pressed my seams open:)

Now for the rectangles...
sew from corner to corner and if
 you did not mark sewing lines,
 just keep the point on the middle line
 as you sew and no marking is needed:)

Sew one onto each side of each rectangle,
(I'm doing four at a time)


And press open:)
Keep going until you have all 
of these little scallop pieces 
completed and then follow the diagrams 
at the end of the guide 
for sewing your quilt top together!

If you have followed me for a while
 you know How much I love 
scalloped borders in my quilts 
and have often made them many times 
from the very beginning in many of my 
patterns and I STILL love them!

Of course before you sew your 
blocks together you will need to 
trim them all up to measure
 15 1/2" x 15 1/2"

Here are all of my basket blocks
 (in no particular order)
and a few of the pinwheel blocks
hanging on my design wall after trimming.

Using the lines in the
 15 1/2" Trim-It Ruler 
to center everything up really 
makes this step easy peasy:)

All the pinwheel blocks are 
also trimmed and ready to go!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
for sewing with me during the
Flower Basket Sampler Sew Along!
and I will be right back here
on this post soon with the pictures 
of my quilt after it's quilted and bound:)

P.S. Don't forget to join me 
in my next fabric collection
 sew along! 
The quilt we will be making is called 
Sweet Land (pictured above) 
And we will be using my 
AMERICANA fabric collection 
that will be here in a few weeks!
The quilt consists of 5 pieced blocks
 and 4 applique blocks 
along with a pieced scrappy border!

That sew along will begin in May:)

Other Places to find me:

Monday, March 3, 2025

Flower Basket Sampler Sew Along - Week Five!!



Welcome Quilty friends!!

Today is the day for the 
 in our 

We are making the 
which finishes at
 87" x 87"
It consists of 12 pieced pinwheel blocks
and a pieced border which surrounds
the pieced basket blocks with
 appliquéd trim and flowers on each!
(Basically this is mainly 
a pieced quilt with some applique)

To make the appliquéd flowers, 
leaves and basket trim
 we are using my 
Sew Simple Shapes called of course...
Flower Basket Sampler!

The collection that we are using 
for the quilt is...

Piece and Plenty was designed by me... 
and produced and distributed 
to quilt shops everywhere 
by the amazing 

If you would like to know everything about
to view the entire storyboard...
to see all of the fabrics close up
 and to view the notions and ALL of 
the patterns that coordinate with it:)

So let's chat about the
 Quilt Fabric Kit.

Several shops are stocking the kit...
both brick and mortar shops
 as well as online quilt shops.

The fabric and notions as well
 have already shipped
to quilt shops everywhere 
and will continue to ship as 
each new item arrives at the warehouse!

So of course if you have not 
already pre-ordered 
your fabric kit and need one...
it is not too late at all!

 If you still need to download 
the free sew along guide
click on the following link:

And if you still need all of 
the info about this sew along
please click on the following link to
 read last weeks blog post called

The tutorial for Basket Block One
 is on my Youtube channel.
to watch the tutorial

 I also have already done the tutorial
 on piecing the baskets in preparation
 for the appliqués...
if you missed it:)

During week two 
we did blocks Two thru Five.
for that tutorial

During week three we added the  
Basket Blocks
Six - Seven - Eight - Nine!
for the tutorials.

And last week we did the last
four of all 13 basket blocks:)
for that tutorial:)

All of the cutting and info
 about each of these blocks
 is of course in the sew along guide 
for your convenience:)

Today we are making the pinwheel blocks!

I took an evening and cut all
 of the squares for the pinwheels...

And pulled the fabrics for the 
outside borders that we will add after 
the pinwheels are sewn together:)

As per usual...
all of the cutting for each fabric
 and each block is in the guide.

As called for in the supplies...
you will need the two new sizes of 
Trim-It Rulers for these blocks.
5" and 2 3/4"

These are the squares that  
we need for block one.
I've paired them up...

And I'm ready to sew!

But first grab a pencil...
 your 1/2" x  6 1/2" Marking Ruler 
and your small cutting mat.

Place the ruler exactly in the center 
from corner to corner on the
 BACK of the two lightest squares.
Now mark a line on each side of the ruler.

These are your stitching lines 
and are 1/2" apart!

Now place the squares 
right sides together 
like this and sew directly 
on all four marked lines...

Press to set the seams and 
then cut them apart like this...
but don't press them open yet!

Place the 2 3/4" Trim-It Ruler 
with the center diagonal line 
directly on your marked line/sewing seam...

And trim off the excess like this!!

Now you can press your seams open.
Each half square triangle now measures
exactly 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" 

I like to use my 
Quick Press Seam Roller
 to open the seams all the way before
 PRESSING with my iron.
 Try to press and not iron.
A back and forth motion of ironing
 may distort the seams so press instead.

Lay out your pinwheel block like this 
and it's time to sew it together!

Use an accurate 1/4" seam allowance.
I achieve this by using the
 Seams Sew Easy Guide.

After sewing...
press these seams open as well.

And then sew them together.

I use my Double Pins for this part
 and place on each side of the 
center seams where they join up 
so that they will not slip as I sew.

They are thin enough to stitch over
 if you would like to...
just go slower over that seam.

BTW Looky at the cute new container 
that I designed for my Pretty Pins!!

And your cute pinwheel is sewn!!!

Seams are pressed open and are
 nice and flat thanks to the
 roller and a hot iron:)

Now it's time for the 5" Trim-It Ruler
to check if it measures 5" x 5"
Line up both horizontal and diagonal lines
 of the ruler with the 
seam lines of your pinwheel.
If you have extra fabric sticking 
out past the ruler then trim it off.
If you have fabric that does not 
go all the way to the edge 
like I do in mine
(right side bottom half) 
then you know it's a little short 
in that seam...

So I simply place a pin there 
and then I know when I'm lining it up 
to sew next to the pink pinwheel...

I can place it where it needs to go 
because I know which seam is accurate.

Sew your pinwheels together into
 three rows like this and press seams open:)

Then sew those three rows together... 
 pressing those seams open as well to finish.

Now cut your borders and add the
 sides first then top and bottom last.

I pressed these seams towards the borders.

Looky how cute!!!
Keep in mind that I had you 
cut the borders a little wider 
so that you could trim them down with the
 15 1/2" Trim-It Ruler 
just like for the basket blocks.

It's easy peasy to do by lining up
 all of the ruler lines with 
your seam lines in the block.

I'm saving this step until all of my 
blocks are appliquéd and then I will
 trim ALL of the blocks for the quilt
 at the same time right before 
I sew them together:)

I super love these springtime 
Piece and Plenty Pinwheel Blocks!
I especially love the sweet little borders:)

I hope that you enjoy every step of
 making your pinwheels as much as I did!

Thank you for sewing with me today
and I will be right back here
next week for the big finish!!

Other Places to find me:
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